John Cena spends 30 minutes every day shaving his entire body, yikes

John Cena has been doing a lot of interviews lately on behalf of his latest endorsement deal: hes the face of Tapout Body Sprays, inexpensive spray cologne for dudes. As such, John Cena has been invading some of the spaces I go to for story ideas, like People Magazine Style and NY Magazines The Cut,

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John Cena has been doing a lot of interviews lately on behalf of his latest endorsement deal: he’s the face of Tapout Body Sprays, inexpensive spray cologne for dudes. As such, John Cena has been invading some of the spaces I go to for story ideas, like People Magazine Style and NY Magazine’s The Cut, two sites I would not have expected to find John Cena talking about shaving, moisturizing and wellness. But here we are! In case you don’t know him, John Cena is incredibly famous to a certain group of people: mostly, wrestling fans. He’s a WWE wrestler, a reality show star and an actor in such films as Trainwreck, Sisters and the upcoming Daddy’s Home 2. He actually pops on-screen – he has a deft comedic touch and he’s very watchable. I used to find him hot, but there’s something about the size of his hands that sort of freaks me out. Watch him on-screen and look at his hands. Trust me. Anyway, here are some highlights from John Cena’s interviews about fitness, wellness, shaving and more:

He spends 30 minutes every day shaving his body: “I’m completely man-scaped from head to toe — from the ears down — so that takes a bit of time. I’m constantly trying to stay up on fine lines in my skin and that stuff, so I’m a lot more grooming-centric than you would realize. My routine is a lot more than you would think — I’d say it’s a strong 7 ½ out of 10.”

How does he shave: “A lot of shaving cream and a very good razor — and time. I have a lot of surface area to cover. I got into bodybuilding at a young age, when I was like 15 or 16. It’s something that I started, and the first time you man-scape yourself and it starts to grow back, it is so uncomfortable, so I just kept doing it,” he says, adding that he goes through at least six tubes of shaving cream a month. “If I’m pretty, pretty quick with it, I’d say it takes a half hour, but sometimes it’s probably an hour.”

His skin care routine: “Moisturization. Constant moisturization. It’s not to an obsessive level, but just make sure you’re clean. I’m always clean-shaven, so in a weird way, the shaving could also be an exfoliant. I never deduced that, but we may be onto something. There are a few brands that have men-specific moisturizers, because some of other the scents are very female-scented. For a while I was using Vaseline for men, and Lubriderm came out with men’s, and Jo Malone — I like that as well. It’s very strong-scented, but it’s a very good moisturizer. So you can go from really high-end to more affordable and still get good products. And I don’t have endorsements with any of those folks; I actually just use their products.

How he defines wellness: “The successful function of spirit, mind, and body. Being aware of how you feel emotionally and not afraid of it, even when you have good days and bad days. Doing your best to keep your mind sharp. I’ve chosen to try to learn a second language, and I’m trying to learn how to play an instrument — I’ve been studying Mandarin for a few years, and I’m messing around with the piano — just because those are active things that I wouldn’t have done before this. I just want to learn things about things. And physically making sure that I’m capable of moving like a human being and not like a brittle piece of carpet.

His best wellness hack: “The whole thing is a hack — legit, we’re all overthinking it. Print that: We’re all overthinking it. It’s just, we know the way to be healthier because we always tell ourselves, I need a trainer. Why? Because you’re not moving around enough. Move around some, make good choices, and just do it every day, be consistent. The moment when you’re like, Ah, I don’t want to do this. Stop. And if you really don’t want to do it — you haven’t found the right thing yet.

He couldn’t do Barre classes: “Nicole and I train very differently, but we both love what we do. So she goes one way to do a workout, I go another way, and we both come back exhausted and fulfilled, ready to attack the day and do it again tomorrow. She loves Pure Barre, but I wouldn’t last a second there. And if I were to walk into Pure Barre every day, I would hate my life, because I would hate it. But she loves it — just like I wouldn’t ask her to do 102 percent of her max for a clean and jerk, or do a 60-week squat protocol that leads up to a 105 percent rep max. That’s what I do, and that’s what I enjoy. So it’s just about finding what you like. The whole thing is a hack, because we always overthink it. I’ve got to do XYZ with my diet, and I’ve got to do everything… Just make good choices, man. You know what’s good for you, and you know what’s bad for you.”

[From People and The Cut]

Thirty minutes to shave EVERY DAY? Granted, I shave my legs (up to the knee) every day, but that’s because I hate the feel of the stubble on my legs. And that only takes about two minutes in the shower! How do you dedicate that kind of time every single day to shaving everything on your body? And when did dudes start believing that women actually want that? I don’t mind a furry dude. Of course it’s all a matter of degrees, but a furry chest, or hairy legs or hairy pits? Bring it on. As for what he says about wellness and moisturizing… I don’t mind that at all. He seems like a bro, but he also takes it seriously and he’s not shrugging off those questions like the topic of wellness is beneath him. You can tell that he’s actually thought about “what is the best skincare for me?” and “do I have a wellness philosophy?” But don’t expect him to write an essay for Goop anytime soon.

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Photos courtesy of WENN.

